KHR! 11^ Famiglia Wiki
Shinji Kimitaka


  • Kiri no Shugosha
  • DreamMist
  • Shinji
  • Number XI
Gender male
  • 17 (Beginning)
  • 20~21 (2YL)
Status Alive
Date of Birth April 28
Famiglia Vongola Famiglia
Generation XI
Flames Mist
Story Debut Target 3


Shinji Kimitaka is the Guardian of Mist and he is an illusionist. He has brown hair and red eyes. He can read tarots and he can see the future, but he usually sees just the bad things and so the family is scared when he tells them that he sees something: they think he is speaking about something terrible. No one knows anything about his parents, he came from Nagano and he loves to travel around the cities earning money thanks to his magic tricks.

He always watches the family behind them and he rarely talks with them because he is very shy. He loves magics and special effects and his dreams is to become the best magician. Even though he talks rarely, he likes to tell horror stories to frighten people. He really loves horror games and when he use the flame of mist, he creates an horror world like the games he usually plays, with bloods, destroyed houses and monsters, so he can become a very terrific person. Sometimes he makes something to appear and disappear with some effect just to make people say "ooh!" and because he finds it very funny. Sometimes he seems to not be around but suddenly appears behind them scaring everyone. He almost knows everything about what happening because he listens while he is hidden behind them without anyone see him.

Vongola Family

He doen't like anyone particularly and he doesn't think anything abouth the family. He just want to stole Rokudo Mukuro and Daemon Spade illusionist's power because he loves them and he want to become the most important and stronger illusionist in the world.



Shinji's weapons are a deck of tarots, he uses them to predict future and sometimes he throws them to the enemy. He can also use them to hypnotize the people to drag them in his grim worlds.

It's a normal deck o f tarots, the back is blue and decotated with square decorations.


  • He always consults his tarots to reply something to some one.
  • He likes to play horror games that he uses to create his own terrific worlds.
  • His perfect animal is a fox.